Sunday, February 10, 2019


Once again, as Avengers: Endgame approaches, I'm trying to go back and watch the entire MCU in in-universe chronological order, this time included all the TV shows like Agent Carter and Jessica Jones that I hadn't previously thought to weave into my understanding of the general superhero narrative.

It's going to be a long journey. But luckily, the Pacific Northwest is current blanketed in a rare, debilitating snowfall. Snowpocalypse-induced cabin fever means I have a lot of binge-watching time on my hands. The Seattle Public Library has also kindly extended all due dates on books, so the non-snow options are practically endless.

Following last year's MCU binge, I bit the bullet regarding distasteful rich playboy "heroes" and watched Iron Man 2. Meh. But The Incredible Hulk was worse: the dialogue was crappy, and Liv Tyler is devoid of personality as always but so was every other character. After re-watching the (fun) Captain America and introducing myself to the highly addictive and unfortunately short-lived Agent Carter series, these next two MCU films in the timeline were such a letdown and I can't wait to get beyond this first awkward phase of the Marvel oeuvre.

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