Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's Been One Week!

I feel like Charlie Brown. I killed one of my plants. It was not premeditated.

Good grief! They were only given to me last weekend!

My sister, mom, and one of my mom's friends all think I drowned it. I watered it twice! I thought you were supposed to water plants about twice a week. I didn't know I was drowning it...


Torgo said...

I think it's once a week. We have 6 plants, and I water all of them when Lazarus droops, except the wee little cactus.

Rainster said...


Anonymous said...

rainster, I sincerely doubt you really killed the lilly... Didn't I just tell you that lillies are like daffodils... here today, gone tomorrow, back again next year? Please stop watering it now (so it will think it's the end of summer) and stick it outside in a dry place. I promise you haven't killed it.

Rainster said...

lol, lilies must be very existential...

Stuck them both outside.

Michelle-Nicholle said...

I agree you have not killed the plant. My loving husband has tried to kill the cactus his brother gave us, but it is still kicking. Sometimes they need some love and time to breath. Just talk to it when you get a chance and poke some holes in the dirt to let in some oxygen.