Saturday, July 01, 2006

Word, yo

At my last job, I would do the NYT crossword puzzle during my lunch break. For the few week or so, since I was the newbie, the six others in the office (small nonprofit!) let me finish it alone. But after a while, it became a team effort, and nobody could get back to work until we'd finished the entire puzzle.

Wordplay is awesome. It centers around an annual crossword-off that was started by puzzlemaster Will Shortz (who, btw, designed his own major -- "enigmatology." How awesome is that?!)

Totally nerdy, but I really enjoyed the scenes where Merle Reagle is designing a crossword puzzle, and the audience gets to watch the thought process behind how words are chosen. And I missed some of the dialogue during the competition, because I was trying to solve the puzzle tidbits on the split screen.

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