"[w]hat was any art but ... a sheath, a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining, elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose." - Willa Cather, Song of the Lark
Monday, August 18, 2008
Pop goes the...
I have long been obsessed with the pop/soda question, and finally, a linguist has made a map of it! I love how it's broken down by county...
Our long national nightmare is finally over.
Also, I remember freshman year in college, sitting around with some friends in a dorm lounge, we ascertained that the pop/soda border was somewhere in central Pennsylvania. Guess we were right!
Hmmm...was I there for that? That sounds like exactly the kind of conversation I would be a part of. You know, answering one of life's most important questions.
Hmmm...was I there for that? That sounds like exactly the kind of conversation I would be a part of. You know, answering one of life's most important questions.
Awesome map.
I believe you were indeed there... You might have been the one to *start* the conversation! =)
Yeah, that sounds like me. I'd like to see a breakdown on 538 of soda pseudonyms vs. voting history.
I had the same thought!!!
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