Tuesday, May 16, 2006

... And Beyond

It took all of 20 minutes on Saturday night, including paperwork. I probably would've chickened out if I'd had to schedule something the next day, but it all happened so fast I didn't have time to think. It hurt. It's now sore. I can't see it. And part of me thinks I should've gotten it lower, like the "tramp stamp" several people talked me out of. But mid-back is fine too.

Note to self: when in California at the end of the month, always face mother and sister#1 when wearing a swimsuit. Attention should be on sister#2-the-good-daughter bride, not the wacko-political-look-what-I-did-on-a-whim daughter, who will be causing a scandal for the in-laws anyway because she doesn't quite fit into the top half of the bridesmaid's dress.


Torgo said...

I like the term "tramp stamp." That's great.

At least it's not a Mike Tyson face tatoo. I think that's called a "crazy nutbar tatoo on you're face, you fool." I looked it up in the urban dictionary, but it wasn't there yet.

Rainster said...

Some friends told me they'd stop talking to me if I did something too trendy like that. Other terms they used were "ho stamp" and "hoochie." Other friends were more accepting and said if I did that I might as well go all the way and get the platform flip-flops, roll down capri sweat pants at the waist, and have the J-Lo bangles.


Torgo said...

I'm very proud to say that I don't know what J-Lo bangles look like. And I only recently learned what capris are. "Tramp stamp" is better. It has a nice rhyme.

Xtina said...

earrings? tattoos?? what's next...a bull ring in your nostril???

the world is going to pot.


Rainster said...

Xtina wears the J-Lo-esque bangle earrings. ;-P

Bull ring...good idea!

Xtina said...

j-lo bangle earrings are MY tramp stamp

Rainster said...

All about reclaiming the language....