Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just a tad fishy

A new creature may have been "discovered" in Borneo, according to the WWF. Maybe I'm overly cynical, but this seems suspicious:

Researchers hope to confirm the discovery by setting cage traps to catch a live specimen, but warn that Indonesian government plans to clear the rainforest to create the world's largest palm oil plantation may interfere with plans, WWF said.

The proposed plantation scheme, funded by the China Development Bank, is expected to cover an area of 1.8 million hectares, equivalent to about half the size of The Netherlands, said the WWF, formerly known as the World Wide Fund for Nature.

The potential new species of carnivore in Borneo would be the first since the discovery of the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895, the WWF said.

Pictures of the animal were first taken by WWF researchers in 2003, the photos kept unpublished by the WWF as research continued.

The WWF's website claims its "researchers have not yet established whether this is an entirely new species or if it is a new species of marten or civet cat, which looks like a cross between a cat and a fox." Also, the animal "might remain a mystery for ever, if its habitat is not adequately protected."

I agree, protecting wildlife and the environment are top priorities (I think I donated to WWF once). It just seems like such perfect timing that photos of a potentially new creature are released right when bulldozing plans are becoming a reality.

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