Thursday, December 08, 2005

Watching people watching people

And, from the ever-fascinating world of observations in human behavior, a new study in Germany indicates that the larger the group watching someone in trouble in a public space, the less likely anyone is to offer help. The exception is when the situation turns violent or dangerous.

Gut reaction: "That's horrible! See? People are uncaring, unfeeling monsters en masse! Where's the humanity???"

Rational but optimistic reaction: Maybe people don't offer help when there are others around because they assume someone else will. Degree of responsibility lessons, not necessarily the level of compassion.

Need to work on overcoming those visceral judgments....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. It is true that our sense of compassion does not disappear when in a crowd. We are all just so insecure we assume there is someone more qualified to deal with the "situation" then ourselves!