Wednesday, March 15, 2006

There Goes the New Colossus ...

Catching up on emails from last week, and read this article on planned protests by Minutemen outside of places suspected of employing undocumented immigrants.

I'm guessing those "illegals" all "look" the same ... and I'm guessing if I donned appropriate clothing and decided to pick apples in central Washington for day --or walk around the Tacoma shipyards or a White Center clothing factory-- I'd probably have my picture snapped and posted on their website as a "suspected illegal." Instant fame! Woohoo, maybe I should go undercover...

Which reminds me, I need to put "A Day Without a Mexican" in my Netflix queue...


Anonymous said...

"A Day Without a Mexican" only got terrible reviews... why are you watching it?!?

Rainster said...

Mainly the content matter! Plus, I missed a free screening when it had a limited release in Seattle, and I've been wanting to know what I missed ever since.