Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hard core

The post-college, pre-e-coli, pre-PIRG rollerblading injury (let's just say 2001 was a difficult year) still causes pain, and I got to a physical therapist every now and then. During this latest session, the PT said that improving my posture would help with some of the back issues. He suggested sitting on a pilates/exercise ball instead of on a chair because it forces you to balance and sit up straight.

This summer, while visiting a friend in Beantown, I encountered an entire office that has converted to the exercise balls. (Sheesh, nonprofit hippies....) So I was familiar with the idea. Plus I get enough of the "core" rhetoric at the gym. However, I was not about to bring a 65-cm ball into the office, throw out my office chair, and open myself to ridicule and rolled eyes. To say nothing of the awkward silences and pronounced pauses that are more prevalent in ye olde workplace!

So I bought a cheap one for my desk at home. It's a little odd, and I've almost fallen off it several times (see previous post on being easily distracted; this time it was by mosquitoes that came in when I opened my windows to try and get rid of the fish smell.)

Anyways, the ball is growing on me. Maybe I should name it.


Xtina said...

"Mauli" -- hawaiian for seat of life.

Torgo said...

I can't get over the office of 'ball-sitters.' I have one of those exercise balls (that somehow hasn't been reinflated since the move to SF). I used it for sit-ups and the like, hence my rock-hard abs. Right. It is great for balance, though. It's best if, when you work, you don't need to move around much. I just picture a whole office full of people sitting very still, trying not to upset the balance.

Rainster said...

The office was empty when we visited (we were walking around in the weekend heat, needed free water and a clean bathroom, and her office was nearby). So I didn't get to see everyone in the balancing act on the um, mauli. Otherwise I would've lost it.