It was the perfect post-wedding, non-thinking/nonsense, zombie/time travel ridiculous movie to watch after an alcohol-free, dance-free, perpetually late-starting event.
I had previously only seen A Common Man's poster of it.
"[w]hat was any art but ... a sheath, a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining, elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose." - Willa Cather, Song of the Lark
A modern-day book burningYeah, yeah, yeah, First Amendment rights. It's just incredibly ironic.
Midtown shop owner protests what he sees as a diminishing support for the printed word. (AP)
Seriously, I swear that's what xenophobic English-only laws are really about...May 18, 2007
Idaho Legislature Declares English Only Language They Know
BOISE, ID—The Idaho Legislature passed a unanimous resolution Monday declaring English the only language the elected assembly knows how to speak, write, or understand.
"We're putting into law a general feeling that everyone here has had for years: English is the only language we know, and English is the only language we want to know," Lt. Gov. James E. Risch said during a press conference outside the State Capitol building. "It's a good language, serves us well in matters of communication, and we can't think of any good reason to go around knowing some other language that we have no use for."
The legislature is expected to pass a separate resolution later this week officially declaring out-of-towners "suspicious."
1. The bridal party, despite pleas from the bride's two sisters that it is all kinds of wrong, will be riding in a HUMMER LIMO.Brother-in-law #1 will be running frequent flask refills...
2. The first dance, despite pleas from the bride's two sisters that is is all kinds of wrong, will be to the Rascal Flatts song "Bless the Broken Road." (The maid of honor thinks the first line of Elvis' "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" is more appropriate....)
3. The reception hall is only booked until 7 p.m.