Due to the injury described below, the arrival of the icy treats was practically an answer to prayer. There being towels in the kitchen, I made off with the block of ice and am now sitting blissfully at my desk with my makeshift injury-relief pack.
Luckily, half the floor is out today, so there are few people to witness this strangeness. It could be interpreted as . . . how do we say in the Dub-C . . . très g-fab.
wait, wait -- a printer sent you popsicles and ice cream bars? that's awesome!
and the floor is half-empty? sounds like the makings of a sugar-binge.
sugar will heal your pain.
... while the ice block numbed it. It all worked out.
Um... I know I'm a little late to the game, but my understanding was that you are from West Seattle, not the Dub-C...?!? I'm not sure what all my Dub-C dwelling friends would think of your claim...;)
Oh! I love your new pic... although you do look particularly like an interesting combination of your two sisters in it.
I've actually always claimed both (as I'm used to doing with so many things!)-- grew up 2 blocks away from the Westside/White Center dividing line, where the neighborhoods themsleves are blurred but the incorporated addresses aren't. Our address and schools were in West Seattle, but everything else in our lives was in WC. My mom's church is the WC AOG, 4 blocks away. I grew up walking to the WC Library, grocery stores, hardware stores, rather than having to drive or take the bus to places in W. Sea.
Speaking of Dubs --what's up????? It's exciting to see your photos. It looks so gorgeous out there! I also liked the time lapse shots...
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