Saturday, August 18, 2007

Was it the same cat?

After watching several haka performances at the 'hood's annual Pacific Islander festival where my sister and her husband were emcees, Deja Vu seemed like a good chill-out movie.

Wasn't the best movie. Wasn't the worst. It was okay. It was a typical action suspense thriller, so it didn't require any stellar acting on anyone's part, just car chases, explosions, techie-looking gadgets, an inkling of a government cover-up, one determined hero, and one Pauline in peril.

But I'm a sucker for time-travel stories, or stories with alternate and parallel time lapses.

Once you grasped the basic idea of the film, it wasn't hard to figure out what would happen (or rather, what was happening....) Plus in all the widely-disseminated trailers, there are some key scenes that you realize, the more you watch, gives it all away.

The movie attempts a half-assed discourse on free will versus destiny, which adds nothing to the plot and in the end is redundant anyway. Because of course it's America on the big screen, where the issue is always that simple and that polarized, and where free will always wins.

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