Have already googled the gingerbread Nazi story, which was mentioned on The Daily Show last night (there's also a brief audio file on NPR).
But now, the news that the final Harry Potter book has a title. This is very exciting. Also very exciting and coincidental: someone brought really cool Harry Potter napkins into the office, with homemade fudge. I made off with more napkins than fudge.
Have you seen the British show "Extras," specifically the episode with the kid who plays Harry Potter? It's great. It's on youtube. Or was. It's a Ricky Gervais show, the guy who did the Office. The Harry Potter kid is hilarious.
i'm kind of unreasonably excited by this. i wonder how early you can pre-order. also, the week before i left my roomate and i brought our little neighbors to see happy feet (great up until the ham fisted environmental message and the movie's completely nonsensical resolution to the problem of depletion of food for wildlife in the south pole -- "wait, the penguins can dance!? let's dance with them! and let's leave them alone and stop taking their fish!" -- like THAT would be the natural human response. more like "wait the penguins can dance!? let's capture as many as we can and make them perform all over the world and make money! and let's keep eating their fish!" whoa, pardon the soapbox there. what was my point? is this a parenthetical statement? oh geez.) i don't even know where i was going with this... oh yeah! we were watching happy feet and the harry potter preview came on and my roommate and i sat up like "what? a- what what?" i know the movies play a bit with canon, but they're still totally fun.
this is an unnecessarily long comment.
Nerd alert!
"Extras" is now in my Netflix queue.
Btw, there's a band (based in Boston, I think) called Harry and the Potters where the two singers dress up as HP, and their songs are normal rock songs, except that they're from the viewpoint of HP characters. It's hilarious. And brilliant.
"Happy Feet" is on my list of things to see. I like penguins as well as bears.
Extras is big into having British stars mock their image. Patrick Stewart has a funny episode. Chris Martin from Coldplay is really unfunny, but then, I don't like Coldplay. Warwick Davis is good -- Ricky Gervais is hilarious in that episode. Also, Orlando Bloom has a funny one.
oh no! did i ruin the ending of happy feet for you with my rant?
If I could bear to watch Orlando Bloom in Kingdom of Heaven (actually, I really couldn't, but I stayed the course), I feel like I should watch him make fun of himself.
I have no idea what the plot to "Happy Feet" is, so nothing's ruined. I just know it has penguins, and they're cute!
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