Saturday, December 09, 2006

A fish toss away from the Market

Back in early November, I attended the Emerald City Swank for the fourth year in a row. That happens when you have three friends on the board. At any rate, with so many friends at different nonprofits with annual dinners and fundraiser, I used to be really addicted to silent auctions. I'd arrive on time, of course, bid on several items I was kind of interested in, then run around in a panic thinking I'd have to pay $800. It helped me to walk around and be social (and holding a wine glass never hurt either), instead of pretending to read the emergency exit maps and liquor license details in the corner by the free food.

The weening-away process is easier than with drugs, so this year (for the first time), I didn't bid at several silent auctions attended. Except at this one. And I ended up winning tickets to "An (Improvised) Christmas Carol" at a local improv theatre. The tickets were donated to the silent auction by the live auction emcee, who also happened to be our trivia host from the old EMP days (it's a small, small town) and starred as Scrooge in the production.

I love improv when it's done well, and this was definitely top-notch. The audience got to come up with a list of words or scenarios, which then changed the details of the Dickens storyline but not the heart of it. Good evening. And next year, I wouldn't mind paying to see it again!

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