Friday, December 08, 2006

Teapot Dome Scandal, sans oil

Day 11 of no coffee. No headaches yet, just uber-fatigue and a proliferation of stupid people everywhere, especially in the mornings.

Had been drinking buckets of the peppermint and chamomile tea I found in the office cupboards, but then realized three days late it's all decaf. Oops. Felt happier after drinking the bad tea from the machine (the same machine which dispenses what I didn't count as coffee when I tried to quit last year....)

It's amazing how much a little caff- um, tea can brighten the day and make the surrounding people smarter.


Teman said...

Coffee makes me twitchy, but I can drink as much Earl Grey as I want, well, in the morning at least. Just had a cup, in fact.

Xtina said...

binah. stop the insanity.

wait, should i be encouraging?

Rainster said...

It's not that bad. I'm not having difficulty crawling out of bed in the mornings. And I think I escaped the headaches because I was sick.

Funny you should mention tea, Teman -- I inherited some of yours! There's a bunch of tea in my cabinets. If stupid people start appearing everywhere when I'm alone at home today, I'll definitely have a cup.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have chocolate with breakfast. I think that, technically, amounts to morning caffeine, but people don't tend to take chocolate breaks at work.