Friday, February 10, 2006

And in Turin, the Games begin...

(Okay, so these aren't Olympic sports being played in Torino...)

I'm not normally a Jimmy Fallon fan, and I'm just a tad obsessed with Colin Firth... so I was surprised to realize that of the two main characters in the two versions of Fever Pitch, I prefer Jimmy Fallon. He was adorable in this role! And though I generally like Drew Barrymore, I preferred Ruth Gemmell as the girlfriend --she was blunt and snarky. =)

Obviously, the general plot was the same, based on Nick Hornby's book: sports nut teacher whose team never wins finds girlfriend who doesn't understand the life of a fan. The Colin Firth version I think did a better job of actually explaining a fan's obsession; the use of frequent flashbacks and the timeline of games accomplished that. The Jimmy Fallon movie kind of assumes the obsession as a premise and barely attempts to understand it.

Oddly enough, in the original film the pregnancy scare is real, but in the other it's just a false alarm so the story can continue being a happy, more formulaic and palatable romantic comedy. I thought that was an interesting divergence.

I liked both movies!

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